Credit Card Loans Can Be an Excellent Alternative to Payday Borrowing

by | Jun 29, 2016 | Financial Services


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Learning to live as a financially independent adult can be challenging for some. That is particularly true when a high cost of living combines with a general economic weakness to make it difficult to balance household budgets. While establishing the financial habits that will serve a person and family so well throughout life is important, sometimes attention needs to be paid to a temporary means of staying afloat. Credit Card Loans can prove to be powerful short-term tools for those who need a little help remaining financially independent.

In fact, loans of these kinds are likely underutilized by many Hawaiians. While payday lenders aggressively market their own financial offerings, the providers of card-based loans tend to take an approach of a much lower key. As a result, many Hawaiians end up making use of loan products that are more expensive than they need to be considering the available alternatives.

Credit Card Loans arranged through local banking institutions like Pearl Hawaii Federal Credit Union can be a much better option. For one thing, effective interest rates will almost always be a lot lower than with many other forms of short-term, easily-accessible lending. The fees that payday lenders charge can look reasonable to some, but they typically translate to sky-high rates, once the extremely short term of the lending is taken into account.

With loans that draw on the cash advance limit of an existing credit card, on the other hand, the effective interest might be a fraction as much. These loans will also often come with fees of their own, but they tend to be a few dollars at most, keeping the balance easily in their favor.

The fact is that loans of this kind are often even easier to arrange for than those that payday lenders try so diligently to market to borrowers. All that it will normally take to secure one will be a trip to a local bank with a short form normally being filled out thereafter. Should enough credit be available, a borrower will then be given the loan amount in cash right away, if desired. Given the relatively attractive terms that typically prevail, this is an option more Hawaiians could benefit from exploring. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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